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Sport Science

Sport Science

What is IoT in Sport Science

IoT plays a role in sports today through player development, player safety, and fan engagement. Coaches, players, and fans are able to shape game strategy, analyze potential injuries, and customize experience by analyzing data collected via multiple devices.
Internet of Things in Sport Science define the health clinics for sports medicine and performance services of the sports team to further the use of the technology to help athletes return to play in different fields of sport.

Application in Sport Science


Sport Tracking Technologies

Wearable sensors based on the Internet of Things (WS-IoT) for sports person is used to for continuous stamina and player live formation. Thus, this system helps the study of better team configuration.


Training and Analysis

Wearable sensors based on the Internet of Things (WS-IoT) for sports person is used to for continuous health monitoring system. The implementation of IoT helps by using wearable tracking devices to collect the health details, track the exercise records, analyze and monitor sports person health effective optimization machine learning techniques.


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